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Managing Rector

Universal Academy of Professional Sales

Admin & Office

Easy Apply
3 weeks ago

Job Summary

We are seeking a visionary and dynamic leader to serve as the Rector of our academy. The Rector will be responsible for providing strategic direction, leadership, and oversight to ensure the continued success and growth of the academy.

  • Minimum Qualification : Degree
  • Experience Level : Senior level
  • Experience Length : 5 years

Job Description/Requirements

Job Responsibilities:

  • Develop and implement a strategic plan to advance the academy's mission and objectives.
  • Provide leadership and guidance to faculty and staff to ensure the delivery of high-quality education and training programs.
  • Foster a culture of innovation and continuous improvement within the academy.
  • Collaborate with industry partners to identify emerging trends and ensure the relevance of the academy's curriculum.
  • Oversee the recruitment and retention of students, faculty, and staff.
  • Manage the academy's budget and resources effectively.
  • Represent the academy in external forums and build relationships with key stakeholders.
  • Ensure compliance with relevant regulations and accreditation standards.


  • Professional Growth Opportunities: We prioritize the development of our staff by offering training programs, mentorship opportunities, and career advancement paths. Employees have the chance to enhance their skills, expand their knowledge, and progress within the organization.

  • Work-Life Balance: We understand the importance of work-life balance and strive to create a supportive environment where employees can excel in their roles while also maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Flexible work arrangements, remote work options, and wellness programs contribute to a balanced lifestyle.

  • Competitive Compensation: We offer competitive salaries and benefits packages to attract and retain top talent. Recognizing the contributions of our staff, we ensure that they are fairly compensated for their hard work and dedication.

  • Collaborative Culture: Our organization fosters a culture of collaboration, teamwork, and open communication. Employees have the opportunity to work with talented individuals from diverse backgrounds, sharing ideas, and learning from one another.

  • Recognition and Rewards: We believe in recognizing and rewarding outstanding performance. Through employee recognition programs, bonuses, and incentives, we celebrate achievements and motivate staff to continue striving for excellence.

  • Health and Wellness: The well-being of our staff is paramount. We provide comprehensive health insurance coverage, wellness initiatives, and access to resources that support physical and mental health. Employee assistance programs are also available to offer support during challenging times.

  • Inclusive Environment: We are committed to fostering an inclusive and diverse workplace where all employees feel valued, respected, and empowered to contribute their unique perspectives. Diversity and inclusion initiatives are integral to our organizational culture.

  • Opportunity for Impact: Employees have the opportunity to make a meaningful impact through their work. Whether it's developing innovative solutions, serving clients, or contributing to community initiatives, staff members play a vital role in driving positive change.

  • Professional Environment: Our workplace is characterized by professionalism, integrity, and ethical conduct. We uphold high standards of conduct and provide a supportive environment where employees can thrive and succeed.

  • Employee Empowerment: We empower our staff to take ownership of their work, make decisions, and contribute to the success of the organization. By fostering a culture of empowerment and autonomy, we enable employees to reach their full potential.

Salary Range: 8000 Monthly

Location: Accra, Ghana

Job Type: Full-Time Hybrid

Deadline: 15 Jun, 2024

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