Consultant (Building Resilience Against Violent Extremism (BRAVE) at STAR-Ghana Foundation
STAR-Ghana Foundation
Consulting & Strategy
- Minimum Qualification :
Job Description/Requirements
Terms of Reference
Project: Building Resilience Against Violent Extremism (BRAVE)
Reporting to: Head of Results and Learning
STAR-Ghana Foundation seeks a consultant to undertake a baseline study for the phase II of the Building Resilience Against Violent Extremism (BRAVE) project. This study will provide a benchmark of all project indicators at the outset against which targets will be set and subsequent progress and changes will be measured.
Closing Date: 3rd February 2025
Duration: 20 days.
Budgeted Amount: GHS 250,000 (Inclusive of all taxes)
STAR Ghana Foundation is a national center for the promotion of active citizenship and philanthropy. It works towards the development of a vibrant, well-informed and assertive civil society able to contribute to sustainable national development and inclusive access to high quality public services for all citizens. The Foundation’s strategic approach focuses on supporting the creation and utilization of spaces for collective and coordinated citizens’ engagement with local and national duty bearers as a means of promoting inclusion, transparency, accountability and responsiveness in governance and decision making at both local and national levels.
On the back of growing threats of violent extremism and its implications for Ghana, STAR-Ghana Foundation implemented the Building Resilience Against Violent Extremism (BRAVE) project (emergency) aimed at strengthening resilience of three border communities (Garu, Fielmou and Sapeliga) in the Upper East region who had an influx of displaced people from Burkina Faso in 2023. With the lessons learnt, STAR-Ghana Foundation is implementing the second phase of the project: Building Resilience Against Violent Extremism (BRAVE) Phase Two to build resilience and strengthen capacities of ten (10) vulnerable border communities in Upper West and Upper East regions of Northern Ghana to collaborate with other actors to prevent and mitigate drivers of radicalization and violent extremism. The project addresses these three key drivers: Limited and poor access to economic resources and employment opportunities, increase misinformation and disinformation due to high illiteracy on PVE and low digital literacy, and exclusion of social groups (young people, women, ethnic and other minority groups) from decision-making. Hence, the project aims to provide secured livelihood skills development and small business startups opportunities to vulnerable groups (youth, women, refugees), enhance awareness of PVE and digital literacy and increase the agency of marginalised social groups
The project has a specific target on host community, refugee youth and women and fulbes in these communities, and will be implemented around the following outcomes and outputs:
A. Outcome 1: Youth (15- 35 years), refugees, and women acquire economic skills and access market opportunities leading to secured livelihood.
• Youth, Refugees, women trained on livelihood skills
• Youth, refugees, women supported with registration/certification to access market opportunities
• VSLA groups formed/strengthened
B. Outcome 2: Youth (15-35 years), refugees, and women are well informed and engage on PVE in communities
• Communities sensitized on dangers of VE
• Youth trained on digital literacy and PVE
• Digital clubs formed/strengthened
• Fact checking mechanism established
C. Outcome 3: Marginalized social groups have agency in decision making and communities are socially cohesive
• Peer-to-peer initiatives held on social cohesion
• Community Peacebrokers (social groups) formed and trained
• Community Dialogues held
Approach and Scope of work
A mixed method approach, making use of both qualitative and quantitative methods is recommended for this assignment. It will involve secondary data sourced from desk review of relevant literature. Primary data will be sourced from engagements with stakeholders and members of project communities as well as relevant state and non-state institutions, using Key Informant Interviews (KIIs) and Focused Group Discussions (FGDs). Data collection is expected to cover all 10 project communities using appropriate sampling procedure. The consultant will be required to develop comprehensive methodology and propose data collection tools for discussion with and approval by the project team.
Objective of the assignment
The purpose of this baseline to provide a benchmark and an understanding of the vulnerability of the selected communities and targeted populations and also provide status on all project indicators at the outset against which targets will be set and subsequent progress and changes will be measured. It is intended to provide a basis for progress on indicators at the output and outcome levels to be measured and tracked over the project period and beyond. The final baseline report will therefore be useful as a monitoring, evaluation and learning tool on the project.
Activities and deliverables
This consultancy will involve the following activities and deliverables.
Inception meeting to provide clarity on the scope of the assignment and consensus built around its delivery.
Duration: 1 day
Revised proposal to reflect insights from the inception meeting and strategies that will be adopted for the assignment’s delivery.
Inception Report: Outline of methodology, data collection tools, and timeline. Work plan for assignment.
1. Drafting and testing of data collection tools 2 days Data collection tools
2. Desk review 2 days Draft Evaluation Report: Findings, lessons learned, and recommendations
3. Field work 10 days
4. Compilation of draft report 3 days
5. Presentation of summary report from field visits to STAR-Ghana Foundation 1day Final Evaluation Report: Incorporation of feedback from STAR- Ghana Foundation
6. Submission of end of assignment report and reflections 1 day Review of recommendations where required.
Timelines: The evaluation is expected to be completed within 20 working days
Management and support
- The consultant will directly report to the Head of Results and Learning
- The Executive Director and the Head of Programmes will provide strategic level support and inputs
- The Project Manager will provide technical and operational support to the Consultant to facilitate the delivery of the assignment.
The preferred consultant will meet the following minimum specifications:
- Hold at least a master’s degree in a relevant field with a strong background in research.
- Highly proficient in both quantitative and qualitative research.
- Have demonstrable experience and record in undertaking similar assignments. The candidate’s knowledge and experience in conducting assessments especially within the regions of this project including the local language, will be assessed. Specifically, the candidate’s ability to develop appropriate tools and coordinate quality data collection and analysis will be prioritized.
- A strong understanding and experience working on similar assignments on themes relevant to the concept of violent extremism or peacebuilding/conflict resolution mechanisms is required.
- Skilled and experienced in development and deployment of data collection tools including electronic data collection tools like kobotoolbox.
- Ability and availability to travel to the field for the purposes of data collection and as would be necessary for completing the assignment.
- Have good understanding of conflict and cultural sensitivity around the theme for the assignment.
- Excellent written and communication skills
Submission requirements/Expression of Interest
Interested consultant(s) should share a technical proposal that includes the following:
• A technical proposal that reflects your understanding of the assignment and strategies you will employ for its delivery.
• Financial proposal indicating daily rates and total cost for the assignment.
• Profile and CV highlighting relevant experience and expertise
• Overview of relevant assignments in the last two years
• At least 3 references to client organizations and key contact persons (include name; email address and mobile number)
How To Apply
The Expression of Interest (EOI) should be submitted via e-mail with the subject line: BRAVE Endline survey to: with and in copy by close of business on 3rd February 2025.
Questions or requests for clarifications should be directed to:
Closing Date: 03 February, 2025
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