Soft Skills At The Work Place

In a global business arena that demands mental flexibility and the ability to interact warm-heartedly with others, soft skills are what you need. In a world where we have competitive businesses, people are often concerned with how they are treated as compared to what you can offer.

Soft Skills at the workplace

In a global business arena that demands mental flexibility and the ability to interact warm-heartedly with others, soft skills are what you need. In a world where we have competitive businesses, people are often concerned with how they are treated as compared to what you can offer. This is not to say that, an advancement or innovation to a type of product or service is not important.

What are Soft Skills?

They are a combination of People Skills, social skills communication skills, personality traits and career attributes, social intelligence, and emotional intelligence quotients, among others. Soft skills are personal attributes that can affect relationships. They are the keys to building relationships, gaining visibility, and creating more opportunities and also serves as the unique selling points which give you a competitive edge over others in the world of work.

21st-century Soft Skills needed at the workplace;

Leadership Development

Leadership is an essential function for the success of every organization especially for management in their quest to help maximize efficiency. Not everyone has the qualities of a leader but research has shown that leadership is a teachable, learnable and measurable set of behaviours, hence, anyone can learn to become a leader.

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence is the ability to recognize our own emotions and that of others, understand the effect and use them to guide your thoughts.  The importance of emotional intelligence cannot be overemphasized, as it is one of the foremost evidence-based leadership models.

Emotional Intelligence helps you know your strengths and weakness. Emotional intelligence also helps you to regulate your emotions.

Team Work

The success of an organization does not depend on an individual, therefore, teamwork is very essential. It creates a sense of unity and enthusiasm for a common interest. Having team-working skills helps you build successful work teams that live up to their full potential by producing fresh ideas, and solving conflict efficiently and effectively.

Time Management

Learning to manage time well is a crucial skill that can easily make or break a person’s success. Time management skills can help individuals toward a more successful (and less stressful) future.

Problem Solving

We do not plan to have problems at our place of work but this is inevitable. Everybody can benefit from having good problem-solving skills as we all encounter problems on a daily basis. Some of these problems are obviously more severe or complex than others.

It would be wonderful to have the ability to solve all problems efficiently and in a timely fashion without difficulty.

Decision Making

Decision-making skills help us to identify the right information and the ability to choose. This skill helps with effective decision-making techniques and skills needed for the success of the work.

According to a research conducted by the Harvard University, 85% percent of success at the work place is soft skills and 15% is based on technical skills. What do you think contributes to the success of your organization? Share!

Nelly Sadongo-Bawa
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