5 Salary Negotiation Tips that Work

Candidates who negotiate their salaries and bonuses are more likely to earn comparatively higher salaries than those who don’t. Read more…

5 Salary Negotiation Tips that Work

Having a fair idea of how much you deserve to earn when on the verge of landing your dream job is crucial to every job interview and should not be ignored. Everybody is poised to make money as long as it requires your mind, strength, effort and energy in return. Before you walk into the interview room you need to evaluate your salary expectations and present a strong case to your employer. These tips will help you quote right and have no regrets

1. Understand Your Value

First consider how useful you are to attaining the strategic goals of the organization. If your role is declared redundant can the organization function effectively? Knowing your value to the company goes far beyond the position you are applying for. A ‘‘Corporate Communications Manager’’ with 10 years of working experience, a banking background, and proficiency in graphic designing, website designing and social media management and fluent in both English and French is obviously worth more than a “Corporate Communications Manager” with just 15 years of working experience but does not possess the above qualities.Your value is in all the skills you have developed over time. This is why you must evaluate how that will be useful in your current role.

2. Gather Your Facts

It is standard practice for employers to ask of your salary expectations in making hiring decisions. You need to arm yourself with the precise salary estimations of the job and you can start this by finding out from industry professionals. Good news is there is now an effective salary insight tool to help you in your salary research and decision making. This first ever salary insight tool in Ghana will help you to quote a more appropriate figure that fits both your value and experience. A good way to leave a lasting impression on your panel is to back up your salary request with facts. This doesn’t only increase your chances but also show you have prepared extensively.

3. Project Higher than You Earned Previously

Don’t be quick to call out just any figure without looking at your previous salary. Once on a job hunt for a new  job you must aim to earn higher and than you in your old job. Some people make the mistake of just settling for the unsatisfying salary they were once earning or what they are offered without negotiating for more. No matter what you must prove how much you are worth. If you ever responded to the question what’s your salary expectation with “whatever you give me”, that is a wrong response. Salary negotiation decisions must be informed by your value to the company and the intelligence you’ve gathered from your research.

4. Think Beyond Just Base Salary

Negotiation is a numbers game, but be ready to negotiate for more than just a base salary. There are certain benefits that you must consider requesting aside the baseline salary able. For instance, you could request extra medical, clothing, fuel and research allowance. The question here is what is really important to you in a job, beyond a monthly salary?

5. Negotiate Confidently

It goes without saying that exuding confidence throughout the interview process is vital to attaining a favorable take-home pay. Refrain from excessive or frantic body language movements, and keep very good eye contact without staring. Remember speak with boldness but not boastfully. The idea is to sound confident and professional all at once.

Although there is no guarantee that you will land the biggest salary of your life time, you might as well try to negotiate your best reasonably and realistically or face the ordeal of earning low or nothing because you did never made an attempt. To succeed in your professional career, you must posses the skills to negotiate effectively.

What has been your experience at the salary negotiation table? We would like to hear from you.

Jide Otoki
Notification Bell