7 Ways Employer Branding Plays a Role in Talent Acquisition

Most employers leverage on their brands to appeal to top talents. Employer brands communicate the existence and essence of the organization.

Most employers leverage their brands to appeal to top talents. Employer brands communicate the existence and essence of the organization to its prospective candidates

In recent times, employer branding has found its way in C-suite discussions. This is as a result of the need for employers to exemplify their core values as against just communicating them. Top talents want to be sure that employers are part of what they profess. 

This makes it clear that there  is a need to carefully consider the ways in which employer branding plays a role in talent acquisition. 

Here are 7 ways employer branding can affect talent acquisition in recent times.

1. Through Career Growth Opportunities

It is widely seen that companies with the window for career development face less difficulty in having top talents as team players in their organizations. The truth is that this happens for obvious reasons. The question now is, who doesn’t want to be in an environment where there is deliberate convenience to advance as a professional? The answer is obvious, right?

This has made it a very important reason for employers to include career advancement opportunities into their organizations, that is if only they are interested in having top talents in their companies for the growth and expansion sought for.

2.A Warm Culture

A warm culture is one that provides the right atmosphere in the business environment. The way of life of the organization, its values, beliefs and norms sum up to the practices and experiences that differentiates one organization from another hence, giving it a leverage as it competes for top talent in the same industry. When the culture in an organization aligns with the individual talent’s values, it makes it easy for them to rightly identify with the organization. For a culture to attract top talent, it must;

  • Be intentional.
  • Encourage personal growth.
  • Celebrate learning.
  • Attract and retain talent.
  • Communicate its essentials.

3. Competitive Remuneration & Benefits

A company that pays its workers well is usually seen as one with good repute. This is because it is seen to have the  employees at heart. Top talents seek to have good value for their expertise. It is therefore primary to their role to have a satisfying salary at the end of the day. 

Organizations  to which they are prospects, must acknowledge the value they add to the organization, and accord them monetary value in return. Employers who get this right do not have problems with attracting the top talent because they reciprocate money for value, with the understanding that they are getting more than they are even giving. Most often than not, top talent retention and loyalty results from the satisfaction obtained by top employees in the organization.

4. Strong Digital Presence

The value of social media presence is the audience it is able to attract. Employer branding gains trust when it has strong visibility on social media platforms. High engagement rate, growing brand awareness and positive brand perception are some of the benefits of having a good social media presence. 
Employer social media presence can be advanced by;

  • Update profile for search optimization.
  • Keep track of your competition.
  • Be consistent with your messaging. 
  • Provide engagement content for your audience
  • Be current with your posts.

5. Positive Candidate Experience

It is said that your candidate experience is your brand. And as such everything done to necessitate a good brand projection must be done. The encounter your prospect  or candidate has with the brand is tangent to how he or she will see it vis-a-vis the expectation.

Satisfaction from the experience would mean a good brand perception while delight will connote an excellent brand worthy of commendation. 

6. Generation of Talent Pipeline

Good employer branding attracts top talents to apply for the vacant role. This means lots of applications flooding your system. Through this there is a generation of applications which gives the employer a pipeline of talents. Access to this pipeline gives the employer a leverage to shortlist the talents and get the best fit for the role. 

7. A Seamless Recruitment Process

A strong brand leaves an excitement and interest in the applicant, a desire to belong to or associate with the brand is heightened. This can be used as a leverage to recruit top talent  for the said role. Through branding, recruitment marketing gains an upper hand and leaves a delightful picture in the minds of the employee and thus helps the recruiter to have access to top talents sought for the role.  Employer branding and top talent attraction are inextricably linked. 

Employers who seek to have the best of expertise in their organizations have one thing to look out for. That which when done efficiently and effectively can improve the attraction of top talents into their various organizations.

Employer branding and talent acquisition are both very important elements of every business and crucial to its survival.

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Deborah Nyarko
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